Available Units: Completed housing units that are available for physical occupation, including both occupied and unoccupied units.
Also known as stock.
Available Floor Space: Completed, rentable space in non-residential properties, excluding common areas, that is available for physical occupation, including both occupied and unoccupied space.
Also known as stock.
Building Plan Approval (Private Sector Only): The approval granted by the Commissioner of Building Control in respect of building plans and specifications submitted in accordance with the prescribed building regulations in force.
Also known as stock.
Building Commencement: Construction of a building project is deemed to have commenced when a permit to commence building works in respect of that building is issued by the Commissioner of Building Control.
In the case of a public sector project for which this permit is not required, the construction of the building project is deemed to have commenced when the first tender is invited.
Where the contractor is selected by pre-qualification or close tender, the date on which the contract is awarded is used.
Category 1 Office Buildings: Category 1 office buildings are defined as those located in core business areas in Downtown Core and Orchard Planning Area which are relatively modern or recently refurbished, command relatively high rentals and have large floor plate size and gross floor area.
Category 2 Office Buildings: These are the remaining office buildings which are not included in Category 1 office buildings.
Caveat: A caveat is usually lodged by the purchaser to protect his/her interest soon after an option to purchase a property is exercised or a sale/purchase agreement is signed. We use information from caveats with "Options exercised" as grounds of claim to compute our property price indices. As the lodgement of caveats is voluntary, and there is usually a time-lag of a few months from the point of purchase of a private residential unit direct from a developer to the lodgement of a caveat for that unit, the transaction database in REALIS may not reflect all the units sold directly by developers.
Central Area Outside Orchard: It refers to Central Area Outside Orchard Planning Area. See map of Central Area showing Orchard and Central Area Outside Orchard.
Central Region: Central Region comprises the following 22 Planning Areas: Downtown Core, Orchard, Marina East, Marina South, Museum, Newton, Outram, River Valley, Rochor, Singapore River, Straits View, Bishan, Bukit Merah, Bukit Timah, Geylang, Kallang, Marine Parade, Novena, Queenstown, Southern Islands, Tanglin and Toa Payoh. See map of Central Region.
Core Central Region (CCR): CCR comprises postal districts 9, 10, 11, Downtown Core and Sentosa. See map of Core Central Region.
Central Area: It comprises the following 11 Planning Areas :Outram, Museum, Newton, River Valley, Singapore River, Marina South, Marina East, Straits View, Rochor, Orchard and Downtown Core. See map of Central Region By Fringe Area and Central Area.
Completed but Unsold Units: Unsold units in completed residential projects with valid Housing Developer Sale Licences, including units which are held by developer for rental.
Completed Properties: A building project is deemed completed when the Temporary Occupation Permit (TOP) or Certificate of Statutory Completion (CSC) in respect of that building is issued by the Commissioner of Building Control. Public sector projects are considered completed the certificate of completion is issued by the architect or engineer in charge of the project. Completed properties are referred to as the existing stock.
Development Guide Plan: A detailed plan which provides a clear direction for the development and use of land specifying land use zoning, height and development intensity. It shows the development potential of all land parcels in the area clearly and enables developers to have a good idea of what they can or cannot build on the land. See Planning Region.
Enbloc Transaction: Refers to the sale of all the units within a housing development to a single party or a consortium/joint venture, who has the intention to redevelop the site into a new development. The enbloc transactions are first identified from caveat data in REALIS when it is observed that caveats are lodged on all the units within a housing development, usually with prices higher than the prices reported for past transactions in the same project or prices of similar projects in the vicinity in the same reference period. These enbloc transactions are then checked against an internal database of enbloc projects before being finalised as enbloc transactions in REALIS.
Executive Condominium: A type of housing introduced by the government in 1995 to meet the housing aspirations of the growing number of graduates and young professionals. It is a strata-titled apartment built by the private sector and has facilities comparable to a private condominium. However, there are some restrictions attached to it in the initial years such as eligibility conditions (similar to those for HDB flats) and a minimum occupation period before the flat can be sold.
Expected Year of Final TOP: The year in which the whole project will be given the Temporary Occupation Permit. The expected TOP year is given by developers or architects. Projects with 'na' mean consent for release was not given by the developer.
Factory Space: This refers to the space used or intended to be used for industrial purposes, comprising buildings or part of the buildings used for the manufacturing, altering, repairing, ornamenting, finishing, cleaning, washing, packing, canning, breaking-up or demolition of any article or its parts and the processing and treatment of minerals. Factory buildings are further classified into multiple-user factory, single-user factory and Business Park.
Fringe Area: This is the area within Central Region, excluding the Central Area. It comprises the following 11 Planning Areas : Bukit Merah, Bukit Timah, Queenstown, Kallang, Bishan, Marine Parade, Geylang, Toa Payoh, Tanglin, Novena and Southern Islands. See map of Central Region.
Government Land Sales Projects: Projects that are developed on land sold by the Government through the Government Land Sales (GLS) programme. Sites are usually sold on 99-year leases for commercial, hotel and private residential development.
Gross Floor Area: Covered floor space (whether within or outside a building and whether or not enclosed) and any open area used for commercial purposes.
Hotel Rooms: Rooms specifically designed and constructed or substantially adapted to be used to accommodate persons for the purpose of gain or profit, with provision for a bar and restaurant.
Housing Developer Sale Licence: The licence that a developer has to obtain if it wishes to sell units in residential projects of more than 4 units before they are completed. This licence is issued by the Controller of Housing and is one of the pre-requisites for sale. Another pre-requisite is the approval of the building plans of the development. See Pre-Requisites for Sale.
Industrial Properties: This refers to factory space and warehouse space.
Landed Property: This refers to detached houses, semi-detached houses, terrace houses, townhouses, strata bungalows and cluster housing.
Market Segment: Market Segment comprises of Core Central Region (CCR), Rest of Central Region (RCR) and Outside Central Region (OCR). CCR comprises postal districts 9, 10, 11, Downtown Core and Sentosa. RCR refers to the rest of Central Region which are outside postal districts 9, 10, 11, Downtown Core and Sentosa. OCR refers to the planning areas which are outside the Central Region.
Median Price Per Square Metre: For detached, semi-detached and terrace houses, the median price per square metre is computed based on their land area. For strata sub-divided properties, such as apartments, condominiums, cluster housing and townhouses, the median price per square metre is computed based on their strata floor area.
Multiple User Factory: This refers to a factory building that is capable of being strata subdivided and thus could be used by multiple users.
Nett Floor Area: All covered floor space available on an exclusive basis to occupiers in a building excluding common areas viz: staircases, lifts, common passageways and corridors.
Non-Landed Property: This refers to apartments and condominium housing.
New Sale: The sale of a unit direct by a developer before the issuance of the Certificate of Statutory Completion and the Subsidiary Strata Certificates of Title or the Certificates of Title for all the units in the development.
Occupied Units/Space: Available units/space that are/is physically occupied by owners or tenants.
Office Space: The space used or intended to be as a place of business and for conducting administrative work such as agency, banking, legal, architectural, engineering and other professional services. Commercial schools are excluded.
Outside Central Area: It comprises the Fringe Area (part of Central Region), East Region, North East Region, North Region and West Region.
Outside Central Region (OCR): OCR refers to the planning areas which are outside the Central Region.
Ownership of Private Residential Unit: The residential status of the individual purchasers of uncompleted private residential or owners of completed private residential units, categorised as either Singapore citizens, Singapore permanent residents or foreigners. If the unit is bought or owned by a business establishment, it is classified as being bought or owned by a 'Company'.
Planned Developments: Projects on which construction has not started, comprising projects with planning approval or are under consideration, as well as public projects and projects on Government Land Sales sites for which plans have not been submitted to URA for planning approval.
Planning Region: Singapore is divided into 5 areas called planning regions to facilitate the planning of the use and development of land for the whole of Singapore. The 5 regions are Central Region, East Region, North East Region, North Region and West Region. Each Planning Region consists of several planning areas which are further divided into sub-zones. A Development Guide Plan (DGP) is prepared for each planning area (see Development Guide Plan).
Pre-Requisites for Sale: The requirements that developers of residential projects must meet before they can sell their residential units; namely the Housing Developer Sale Licence and the Building Plan Approval.
Price: The price agreed between the purchaser and the vendor for property and land. It excludes stamp duties, agency fees, legal and other professional fees.
Private Land Projects: Projects that are developed on privately-owned land.
Private Sector: This refers to individuals, organisations or companies registered with Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA). It includes clan associations and other organisations registered under the Societies Act, Charities Act, Cooperative Societies Act, etc.
Provisional Permission: This refers to the conditional approval granted by the Minister for National Development or the Competent Authority to develop any land subject to conditions in accordance with the development rules in force.
Public Sector: This refers to the public authorities, which are government ministries, departments or statutory boards created by an Act of Parliament.
Purchaser Address Indicator: It refers to the type of residence (HDB flat or private property) of the purchaser's address as shown in the caveat, and is not indicative of whether the place of residence is owned by the purchaser. Where the information is not available, 'N.A' is indicated.
Rental: The gross rent per month including service charge but excluding Goods and Services Tax (GST).
Resale: The sale of a unit by a developer or subsequent purchaser after the issuance of the Certificate of Statutory Completion and the Subsidiary Strata Certificates of Title or the Certificates of Title for all the units in the development.
Residential Unit: A building or a contiguous space in part of a building used for housing. It can be a detached house, semi-detached house, terrace house, townhouse, apartment, condominium, strata detached, strata semi-detached or cluster housing unit.
Rest of Central Area: It comprises the following 9 Planning Areas: Outram, Museum, Newton, River Valley, Singapore River, Marina South, Marina East, Straits View and Rochor. It excludes the Orchard and Downtown Core Planning Areas.
Rest of Central Region (RCR): RCR refers to the rest of Central Region which are outside postal districts 9, 10, 11, Downtown Core and Sentosa.
Retail Space: This refers to the space used for shop, food & beverage (F&B), entertainment and health & fitness purposes.
Single User Factory: This refers to a factory building that has a single occupier and is used for a purpose solely related to that occupier.
Shop Space: The space used or intended to be used for any trade where the primary purpose is the sale of goods by retail, for example, provision shop, take-away food shop, departmental store. Space used for the provision of services, such as tailoring, barber/beauty salon and photographic are also included.
Sold: A unit is considered to be sold when the developer has given the purchaser the option to purchase upon payment of a booking fee.
State Land: Land leased directly from the Singapore Land Authority (SLA), JTC Corporation, and the Housing and Development Board (HDB).
Stock: Completed units or space, whether occupied or unoccupied, that is available for physical occupation.
Subsale: The sale of a unit by one who has signed an agreement to purchase the unit from a developer or a subsequent purchaser before the issuance of the Certificate of Statutory Completion and the Subsidiary Strata Certificates of Title or the Certificates of Title for all the units in the development.
Sub-Zone: See Planning Region.
Supply in the Pipeline: The supply of space in approved or planned projects which are under construction as well as those on which construction has not started yet.
Time Series: A set of data which shows how the value of a variable changes over time.
TOP Date: The last date that a Temporary Occupation Permit was issued for a completed project or the latest date a Temporary Occupation Permit was issued for a partially completed project.
Under Construction: A project is deemed to be under construction when a permit to commence building works in respect of that building is issued by the Commissioner of Building Control.
Vacancy Rate: The percentage of the existing stock that is vacant. Vacancy rates are used for private residential properties, office space and shop space.
Vacant Units/Space: Available units/space that are/is not physically occupied.
Warehouse Space: Covered space used or intended to be used predominantly as storage area for raw materials, semi-finished or finished goods. The statistics exclude space in shophouses used for storage.
Written Permission: The approval granted by the Minister for National Development or the Competent Authority to develop any land subject to conditions in accordance with the development rules in force.